Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day. Hank proposed 42 years ago today. We are getting a new computer to celebrate. The weather has been great; nice and warm. We do need rain. My recent photos of Hank or me so I posted this one of my other valentine, Alfie. Love my "heart" dog!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Dusty and blowing hard today. We stayed in and read up on the new camera. Busy day with Kurt tomorrow and installing Netflix. Nita picked up Cabernet on Monday. He was such a happy puppy.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Freaky Friday

Hank went to the doctor today. The doc ordered a x-ray as he thought Hank had pneumonia. Proved not to be. Also our water finally came back on. It was so nice to give the sheep and dogs water from our well tonight. Should be cold again and then warm through the week; finally.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Frozen Well

This morning we had a frozen well. No water today. High of around 22 degrees. The night was around 4 degrees. Hauling water was no fun. Ruger went to his new home with Nancy & Rick on Monday. We had a fun time doing all the DNAs for the pups. I did the ones for the adults Tuesday and mailed them all off. Now to get the results.